Breaking into Product Management
I did a webinar about how can one ‘Start a Career in Product Management’. The audience was a mixed group of students, young as well as seasoned professionals and some generally curious older folks from my social-community (DITF).
This meant that I had to keep the material fairly fundamental. So instead of repurposing my existing material on the topic, I authored a deck from scratch. I also took some liberty of over-simplifying a few concepts keeping in mind the audience profile. However, I believe it might end up being useful for anyone knowing close to nothing about the topic. This is only expected to introduce someone to the topic and is by no means an attempt to be exhaustive.
Below is the Presentation I used for the session.
If you don’t want to go through the whole deck, following are some excerpts:
- An end-product is usually a jigsaw of sub-products, that fit well together.
2. A brief summary of what product managers do (remember, the process is cyclic by design, indicating the iterative nature of product building)
3. To be a good Product Manager, you need to be a strong Generalist with at least a few Specialist skills
4. Following are some of the tracks which one can use to get into Product Management
5. Key Aspects of the Product Manager Recruitment Process
6. Some key resources that may help you in preparing for getting into Product Management (watch out for the coupon codes)
7. How much tech knowledge is required for being a PM?
(Refer to a previous post of mine)
Hope you find this useful. Please feel free to comment for any additional questions. All links in the presentation would be available through the embedded Google Slides above.